OLPA is a journalistic romp through news, events, and politics of the Santa Barbara area, based on the community-access TV show co-produced by David Pritchett and Cathy Murillo. The show is not about dogs, but rather the spirit of offleashness with a twist of cinéma-vérité. Episodes of the show debuted every month or so on local cable TV channel 17, from early 2007 to late 2010. The video and a description are posted here.
STATUS: Off-Leash Public Affairs
Take Your Leash Off !!
The videos often can be accessed by clicking on the Title text for access via Vimeo.
The embedded images for the vids have disappeared since 2012.
The older Google Video files also have disappeared, to be revived and posted eventually from the archive DVDs. Use the email link on the right side here to contact David Pritchett.
Our show is in hiatus!
David and Cathy (especially Cathy) have been a bit busy since 2011 with the ultimate in local public affairs.... .....